
Classic book titles . . . reimagined. (And the solutions!)

I posted this on social media, but I thought y’all might enjoy it, too! And just in case a couple stump you . . . the answers are below. Don’t cheat. 😉


  1. The Old Man and the Sea
  2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
  3. The Scarlet Letter
  4. While I Lay Dying
  5. Grapes of Wrath
  6. War and Peace
  7. Gone With the Wind
  8. The Prince of Tides
  9. Great Expectations
  10. Pride and Prejudice
  11. The Catcher in the Rye
  12. To Kill A Mockingbird
  13. A Farewell to Arms
  14. 1984
  15. Crime and Punishment
  16. The Sound and the Fury
  17. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  18. Lord of the Flies
  19. Hunchback of Notre Dame
  20. A Brave New World
  21. Treasure Island
  22. A Tale of Two Cities
  23. Of Mice and Men
  24. The Red Badge of Courage
  25. The Sun Also Rises

Okay–how many did you get without looking?


My next preorder!

LITERARY ADDICTS Weekly Wednesday Meme: Which Character Would Be Your Best Friend?




Books have always been my best friends. I prefer the worlds and people within the covers of books over most flesh and blood beings, with certain spectacular exceptions.

So it isn’t odd that I have also found some of my best friends in characters of those books.

The first of my best book friends would be Laura Ingalls Wilder. I found her so utterly relatable and steadfast, someone upon whom41XEdvUb+GL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_ a person could depend. . .if you want to learn more about her, her life and her times, I highly recommend The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. I reviewed it on this site a few years ago, and I stand by my feelings. Awesome book about an amazing person.

And then was Katie John of the books by the same name, by Mary Calhoun. Some of what I read in her books still affect my life today, and Katie John was a friend you’d want to have. She was fun, daring, smart and loyal. And she lived in this really cool house.

All-for-Hope-196x300Today, when I think of books I’ve read most recently, I think I would like to have Hope Sheffield of Olivia Hardin’s All for Hope as my best book friend. She’s someone you want on your side: she takes care of her own, she’s nurturing, and she’s forgiving, all qualities I need in a friend.

Who would be your best book friend? Be sure to hop around to all the other participating blogs and see their answers!