Meghan and Sam . . . The Last One (Six Years Later!)
{Sam and Meghan’s story begins in The Last One, where they find their happily-ever-after. It continues through The First One, The Only One, The Always One, The Hard One and The Forever One . . . and the pair are even mentioned a few times in some Crystal Cove Romances, too! But wait, there’s more! I have two previously shared extra epilogues . . . and now a new update on the pair right here.You might want to read the other two first. Enjoy!}
–Fourth of July . . . Small Town Style
The peaceful quiet of my late-afternoon was pierced by a wail coming through the baby monitor that perched on the kitchen table, next to the bowl of green beans I was in the middle of popping for dinner. I grimaced, waiting for the inevitable, and I wasn’t disappointed: a second voice joined the first complaints.
I groaned and rested my forehead against my hand. It wasn’t that I didn’t love my sweet babies–I did, so much. But this time of day was tough for all of us. My mother had sympathetically called it the witching hour when I’d described how between the end of their last nap and the beginning of dinner, nothing seemed to make the little ones happy.
The misery was compounded this time of year, too, because Sam was so busy, he didn’t get in from the fields until much later. During the winter, I loved that he was at the house so much. I’d gotten positively spoiled by having a second parent around to help me corral the kidlets. But right now, he was up to his neck in onions, tomatoes, and peaches.
The noise level from upstairs rose another decibel, and I pushed back my chair to comfort the twins before things got worse.
Twenty minutes later, we were all back in the kitchen. Daniella, my chestnut-haired daughter, was busy on the floor with a metal pot and a wooden spoon, while her red-haired brother Justin was in the high chair finishing his second banana. I’d learned from hard experience that not letting their hunger get ahead of me was key to survival.
I’d just settled back at the table with my beans when I heard a knock on the kitchen door, which was followed in short order by the knob turning as my sister-in-law’s face appeared.
“Yoohoo! Anyone home?”
Both of the twins stopped what they were doing, their attention arrested, and then in unison, they broke into squeals of delight. Aunt Ali was a favorite among my little brood. Happily for all of us, she and her husband, Flynn, along with their two children, had just moved back to Burton to live here full-time after years of dividing their time between New York City and the little house they’d built here on the farm. Ali had told me privately that she was sick of big-city living, but their official reason for making the move was that they were expecting their third baby and wanted to be closer to family.
I watched with a smile as Ali scooped up Daniella and loved on her before turning to Justin to blow raspberries in his neck. When she’d pulled out a chair and plunked down with Dani in her lap, I cocked an eyebrow.
“Were you in the neighborhood, or are you just here to check on my sanity?”
Ali laughed. “Both. I just left the stand in the capable hands of Matt Westin. He’s doing a terrific job over there, which is awesome because I don’t feel like waddling around this fall when I’m huge.” She patted the tiny bump behind my daughter. “But I’m here for a reason. I’m kidnapping your babies.”
I frowned. “What? Why?”
“Because I know what it’s like to have a toddler, and I can only imagine that two is double the . . . fun.” She winked.
“Did your brother put you up to this?” I narrowed my eyes.
“He told me that you’ve been worn out, and he was worried because he feels like he can’t be in two places at once. So . . . I offered to come take these little cherubs home with me for the night.”
“Are you sure?” I was dubious. “It’s not like you don’t have your own hands full.”
“Ah, but the difference is that I have Bridget. Never underestimate the value of a fourteeen-year-old girl who loves babies.”
That was true. My niece was wonderful with the twins.
“So go get the kids’ stuff . . . and then take a nap before my brother gets home.”
I suddenly had a burst of energy at the prospect of an evening alone with my sexy husband. “Just give me five minutes!”
I heard Ali giggling, but I was too busy taking the steps two at a time to care.
An hour and a half later, I was a new woman. I’d taken a long and leisurely bath, taking the time to shave all the interesting parts of my body that had been recently neglected. Over my smooth and sleek skin, I’d pulled on a floaty sundress . . . and nothing else.
Back down in the kitchen, I cleaned up Dani’s pots and spoons and Justin’s messy high chair. I was just rinsing my hands when I glanced out the window at a very arresting sight.
My husband stood in his usual position at the outside sink in the shed. He’d shucked off his T-shirt and was letting the water run over his hands, splashing it onto his sculpted chest.
With a wide grin, I dashed out the kitchen door and danced across the grass, slipping behind him to wrap my arms around his middle and press my cheek into his muscled back.
I was fairly certain that he hadn’t heard me, but he wasn’t surprised by my touch. His hands, still wet, covered mine.
“Who could this be?” His voice, teasing and low, rumbled against my ear. “Careful, my wife might be around somewhere.”
“Ah, don’t worry about your wife. She’s a mess. I’m much more fun. I’m the hot college student who’s just here for the summer. The one who’s been teasing you and flirting with you for weeks. The one who keeps you up at night, making you wonder what she’s wearing under her dresses.”
“Oh, really?” Sam turned in my arms, drawing me against him. His eyes, hot and wanting, bore into mine. “And have you been watching me out here?”
“Every. Single. Day.” I punctuated the words with open-mouthed kisses to his chest.
“Hmmmm.” He threaded his fingers into my hair. “You smell damn good, too. Good enough for me to scoop up and carry upstairs to my bedroom . . . where I fully intend to do dirty things to you all night long.”
I shivered in delight and hooked my arms around his neck. “I hope that’s a promise.”
“It is.” Angling his head, Sam lowered his mouth to mine, his lips and tongues giving me a tantalizing preview of exactly what to expect.
When he came up for air, he pressed his forehead to mine. “By the way . . . even though it was that sexy, teasing college girl I fell in love with, it’s my much sexier and even hotter wife who keeps me in love.” His hand framed my face.
I sighed, kissing his jaw. “Sometimes I forget that.”
Sam’s lips curved into a smile that was brimming with love and promise. “Then let me spend tonight reminding you, darlin’.”
And let me tell you . . . he did.
Love in a Small Town–Buy One, Get One Free!
For a limited time, all of the books in the Love in a Small Town series are part of a special Buy One, Get One promotion ONLY on BN Press! 
BIG News about Love in a Small Town
Being an indie author oftentimes means being flexible and rolling with the tides of the business. It also means going back to fix things later . . . or re-doing something that sounded like a good idea at the time.
When I published The Last One in September of 2014, it was supposed to be a stand-alone, a spin-off from the Crystal Cove Romances. But by the time I’d finished writing it, I realized that I was oh so wrong . . . this wasn’t just a spin-off, it was actually the start of a new series. I thought it would be three books, a trilogy: The Last One, The First One, The Only One. But then, it turned out that there were more Burton stories to tell.
The Always Love books take place in Burton, Georgia, just as the The One books do, and there are tons of crossover characters. It really IS the same series. But oftentimes, readers couldn’t figure that out.
Enter re-branding, the dread of every indie author.
What we’ve done here is:
–Created a brand-new series called Love in a Small Town that encompasses all nine of the books currently set in or connected to Burton, as well as any subsequent books released in that series.
–Created brand-new covers for each book that capture the feel of these books. The marvelous Meg Murrey did an amazing job.
–Released The Perfect One, a novella that had previously only been available as part of the box set. (If you didn’t read it as part of the box set, you can buy it here.)
–Tweaked the blurbs to carry through the flavor and heart of these books.
–Added extra content in the form of an additional chapter to each full-length book. The new content is from the point of view of one of the main characters featured in the subsequent book.
To celebrate this re-branding business, The Last One is free for a limited time! You can get your copy by clicking any of the links below.
Here are all the books in Love in a Small Town: