
Literary Addicts Wednesday Meme: When Did You Get Into Reading?




Have you always loved to read? If not, how did you get into reading? 

This was the question this week. The answer is. . .

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love to read. I don’t remember a time when I could NOT read. My earliest memories are of books: reading, discussing, breathing them in.

I was blessed to be raised by two passionate readers. We talked books around the dinner table from the time I was a toddler until the day I got married and left home. My dad read to me every night before bed until the night I left for college. Books were essential to our life.

The first books I remember would probably be the Little House books, Katie John, All of a Kind Family. . .some really fabulous reading.

All of my children loved to read except my second daughter. It took her until she was about nine years old, when she became interested in Egypt and mummies. Suddenly, she couldn’t read fast enough. Now, at 22, she has books all over her room and reads constantly.

I can’t imagine a life without books.

Go here to see all the other posts!

Literary Addicts Wednesday Meme: My Favorite Book of 2013


My favorite book of 2013. . .hmmm. . .that’s not going to be easy.

So you’re going to have to have a list, in no particular order.

First, because I know what’s what, every single book released by Hayson Publishing was an amazing book.

And then. . .some of these might not have been released in 2013, but I read them last year.

Slammed by Colleen Hoover (I liked it better than Hopeless.)

Embracing The Wolf by Stephanie Nelson. (The last one is coming soon. . .I hope. . .)

The Impact of You by Kendall Ryan (GOOD stuff here)

Rebel by Elle Casey (The third one is late being released and I am about to stalk Elle. . .)

For Real by Chelsea Cameron (Funny and romantic, it’s an awesome read)

Arcadia’s Curse by Jesi Lea Ryan (I’ve made no secret of my love for these books. And for Cane.)

Paradise Valley by Dale Cramer (Because everyone could use a little Amish in her life.)

Through the Evil Days by Julia Spencer-Fleming (I love these mystery/romances, but there is SO much time between releases, it kills me.)

The Losing It books by Cora Carmack (If you haven’t read these, get them. Tremendous characterization.)

Now. . go forth and read with exceeding great joy. And hop around to check out everyone else’s favorite reads. You might find some new gems. I’m sure I will!

LITERARY ADDICTS Weekly Wednesday Meme: Which Character Would Be Your Best Friend?




Books have always been my best friends. I prefer the worlds and people within the covers of books over most flesh and blood beings, with certain spectacular exceptions.

So it isn’t odd that I have also found some of my best friends in characters of those books.

The first of my best book friends would be Laura Ingalls Wilder. I found her so utterly relatable and steadfast, someone upon whom41XEdvUb+GL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_ a person could depend. . .if you want to learn more about her, her life and her times, I highly recommend The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. I reviewed it on this site a few years ago, and I stand by my feelings. Awesome book about an amazing person.

And then was Katie John of the books by the same name, by Mary Calhoun. Some of what I read in her books still affect my life today, and Katie John was a friend you’d want to have. She was fun, daring, smart and loyal. And she lived in this really cool house.

All-for-Hope-196x300Today, when I think of books I’ve read most recently, I think I would like to have Hope Sheffield of Olivia Hardin’s All for Hope as my best book friend. She’s someone you want on your side: she takes care of her own, she’s nurturing, and she’s forgiving, all qualities I need in a friend.

Who would be your best book friend? Be sure to hop around to all the other participating blogs and see their answers!