
ENDLESS Cover Reveal!!



ENDLESS, The King Series Book 4, will be released at the end of this month! Just to get you ready, here’s the official cover release!

This beautiful design is courtesy of the incredibly talented Christine Powell Gomez.

Enjoy. . .and get ready for the final chapter in Tasmyn and Michael’s story!

After the tumult of her high school senior year, all is right in Tasmyn Vaughan’s world. She’s attending college with her boyfriend, and she’s learning to control her powers. Everything is finally perfect, until it isn’t.
When her new part-time job leads to more than she bargained for, she is thrown into a deadly fight against forces of evil that she didn’t even know existed. Mastering her extraordinary gifts—along with the strength of an endless love—may be the only weapon that can guarantee her a happily ever after.

Don’t miss the first three books of The King Series:

Read FEARLESS (only 99 cents right now!)



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Check out all the blogs featuring the cover reveal today!







































Random Musings of an Upwardly Mobile Indie Writer

Going the indie route means that much of time, I’m forging my own path, which can mean using a figurative scythe to clear the way.  I’m blessed with friends who always seem to be able to shine the light on the next step just in time, but sometimes, it can get a little hairy.

For instance, one of my chief jobs right now is to promote myself and my book.  Back in the good old days of traditional publishing, a new author would have a whole department of experienced folks at the publishing house to guide her along the way. Today I’m walking a fine line between continually telling people how fabulous my book is without making them sick of hearing about it.

Little things happen that keep me going.  I’ll get an email from a friend, a Facebook message from a high school classmate, a voice mail from a homeschooling pal, all telling me that they’re reading my book.  I don’t even ask if they like it; right now, it’s enough to know that they’re reading.

There’s part of me that wants to say, “I know, YA. . .I know, love story. . .I know, paranormal. . ” as though I’m trying to excuse all those elements of my book.  But guess what?  That IS my book.  That’s what I wrote, and that’s the story that I wanted to tell. I’m not ashamed of it.  It’s not the great American novel, but I am a strong believer in variety.  We all need some chocolate with our health food, and I’m proud to provide my readers with some sweet chocolate goodness!

So if you’re reading FEARLESS, or if you read it, remember that your feedback and your comments keep me going.  Leave them here, on my Facebook page, or on Twitter .  Ask questions.  I’d love to hear from you.


BREATHLESS With Excitement

Okay, I know. . bad pun.  But really, I am!

How can I not be excited? I’m on day two of my extraordinary cyber tour. . .I’m making so many new friends. . .my latest interview went live yesterday (see it here ). . and today I saw a sneak preview of the cover for BREATHLESS, which will be available at the end of February.  Love it!

I’m excited to hear your thoughts about FEARLESS, so if you’re a new reader, please do leave a comment here or on my author page.  I love these characters and this story, and it’s a huge pleasure to share them with all of you.

New Cover!

Publishing a book, especially independently, requires flexibility and trust.  Flexibility, because what you think is going to work doesn’t always, and trust, because you sometimes have to bow to someone else’s expertise.

The process of publishing FEARLESS offered a steep learning curve.  Editing and formatting was one thing, but designing a cover was quite another.  Even with the most creative minds in my household, we didn’t really have a good grasp on what kind of cover sells books–particularly young adult e-books.

And so I am unveiling here the new and improved cover for FEARLESS. It was designed by Elizabeth Sharp, book cover artist extraordinaire.  (You can contact her here. ) Look for it as part of the website soon.


Download FEARLESS!

If you haven’t done it yet. . .run right over to   amazon.com and download FEARLESS .  It’s easy to do, and you can read the book even if you don’t own a Kindle.  Just download the FREE Kindle reader onto your tablet, laptop, desktop. . even your smart phone!

And once you download the reader, you’ll be able to access a whole new world of e-books. . .not to mention (eventually) the entire KING series. (BREATHLESS will be available in March.)
